A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
-- John Bowring
Hello Shepard Family and Friends,
Cindy and I are enjoying the week with our mothers and my sister Barbara (the "Yayas"), and seeing the sights of San Diego. Where do these octogenarians get all this energy!? What a great week it has been with friendships renewed, as well as visits to major venues like Sea Port Village, Old Town, the Zoo, and Sea World. We also visited some other less glamorous, but equally important places like Greenwood cemetery, where a dozen red roses were just about enough to grace the graves of our dearly departed.

Speaking of family reunion, the time is drawing near for the event July 18 in Newcastle, Oklahoma. It will be a wonderful time to meet family far and near, and young and old, some of whom you may not have seen in a long time, if ever! As I have mentioned before, I solicit any pictures of your particular family group that I can include in a photo presentation I will be sharing at the reunion.

The final word this week is a sad one. Last week we were saddened by the unexpected death of Cindy's younger brother Joe Paul Harris of a heart attack. Like Cindy, he grew up in San Diego, but for the last 18 years he has lived in the small town of Naknek, Alaska. Our prayers and best wishes are with Cindy and her mom Paula, and their entire family in this time of loss.
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