My dear young cousin,
if there's one thing I've learned over the eons,
it's that you can't give up on your family,
no matter how tempting they make it.
~Rick Riordan
Hello Family and Friends,

Greetings to all of you, wherever you may be. Cindy and I are visiting our friends George and Diane in Tucson, Arizona, which -- as it turns out -- is a great place to spend part of January.
Happy Birthday Eric! Today is the birthday of Eric Russell, son of the late Rex Russell, and the first born of the 21 Ggrandchildren of Will and Bura Davis Shepard. Eric and his wife Ruthie (see first picture) live in Red Rock, Nevada (which is obviously not where this picture of them was taken).
Ruthie wrote to say: Happy New Year to you! Eric is going to turn 48 on Monday, January 14. "Happy Birthday, Honey!" 2012 was a good year for us, but we're looking forward to 2013. No big plans, maybe not all work and a little bit of fun. This picture was taken in Hawaii this past August. Thanks for thinking of us. Best Wishes!Happy Birthday Eric! Today is the birthday of Eric Russell, son of the late Rex Russell, and the first born of the 21 Ggrandchildren of Will and Bura Davis Shepard. Eric and his wife Ruthie (see first picture) live in Red Rock, Nevada (which is obviously not where this picture of them was taken).

Happy Anniversary Jeff and Kim! This Friday, January 18, is the 6th wedding anniversary of Jeff and Kim Boyd Clark of Blue Springs, Missouri who were married in 2007. The first picture shows Jeff and Kim in November of last year.
Kim: This picture was taken on my birthday. We have plans to leave for 4 days but I don't know if it will happen. The twins Isaac and Dominic are in the hospital with RSV and we are taking care of the other kids. We will at least try to squeeze in a quiet dinner for 2 and pray that everyone will be feeling good soon.
My dad has been sick from receiving chemotherapy. Tomorrow he finds out if his tumor is shrinking. I sure hope so. We need a break from health care issues and to just feel good.

More About Carsyn. Taking great aunt Kim's suggestion, I snatched a picture of her new niece Carsyn off Facebook and am including it here. I asked mom Courtney Boyd if she would mind if I sent out the baby's picture.
Courtney: "Of course, thank you! She was born January 5 and weighed in at 8 lbs 5.3 oz and 21 inches long. Her full name is Carsyn Renee Slaughter. We live in Alpine currently; me, my boyfriend Cody (her dad), and baby. We are all doing well, Carsyn sleeps a lot. We love her. Thanks again!"
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Steve Shepard
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