We cannot destroy kindred:
our chains stretch a little sometimes,
but they never break.
~Marquise de Sévigné
our chains stretch a little sometimes,
but they never break.
~Marquise de Sévigné
Hello Shepard family and friends,
Greetings to all of you wherever you may be. It has been a cool, delightful winter week here in our home town, with some family drama. But life goes on and it is all good.

The wedding was fabulous. The weather was great and we all had a blast. I was determined to get a picture of me shooting my 9mm in my wedding dress - the photographer got it! Lol! Mom did target practice, too, and did really well. When she starting doing a victory dance with the gun, we had to take it away from her. There is a priceless picture of her sledding, too. She had so much fun. It was definitely the most perfect day.

The first picture I am including shows Havilah in her wedding dress on her wedding day, January 23. The second picture show her with her new husband Kevin while they were honeymooning in Kauai, Hawaii last week. They make their home now in West Valley City, Utah. Best wishes to them for a wonderful life together!
Two Buttes Memories. Last week I included a picture of Havilah's Ggrandfather William Shepard taken in the early 1930's. After Will's niece Norma Lou (Kilpatrick) Allen of Bolivar, Missouri saw that picture, she emailed me with some childhood recollections.
Hi Steve: Thanks for the picture of "Uncle Will" (as I knew him). I always thought he was a lot of fun. He used to tease me. I would occasionally see him in Two Buttes, Colorado when I was just a little girl (born in 1928). I would be on the way home from school and would see him sitting on a crate in front of the grocery store.

I only signed in to tell you that that is just the way Uncle Will looked. When the dust bowl hit (1935), everyone moved to California and our family moved to Missouri. We enjoy your letters and pictures so much. Thank you. -Norma Lou Allen.
This final picture I am including today, like last week's picture of William Shepard, was taken in Two Buttes, Colorado, in the 1930's. It shows Will and Bura Shepard's younger son Eugene William Shepard. On the back of the original photo is the date of Feb., 1935 (75 years ago this month) which would make Gene Shepard 13 years old at the time.
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This final picture I am including today, like last week's picture of William Shepard, was taken in Two Buttes, Colorado, in the 1930's. It shows Will and Bura Shepard's younger son Eugene William Shepard. On the back of the original photo is the date of Feb., 1935 (75 years ago this month) which would make Gene Shepard 13 years old at the time.
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