Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Doings In Seattle, April 13, 2012

There's no vocabulary
For love within a family, love that's lived in
But not looked at, love within the light of which
All else is seen, the love within which
All other love finds speech.
This love is silent.
~"Silent Love"
by T.S. Elliot

Hello Family and Friends,

Happy Friday the 13th to all of you from Alameda, California where Cindy and I are in the midst of a travel day to visit family here, and then later today to visit family in the great Northwest.

We just had a Friday the 13th back in January, and here we are with another one already, a day that many people consider the unluckiest of all. If you are among those who consider this an especially bad day, you can take some comfort in the results of a study that was done not long ago. Researchers discovered that, in fact, FEWER mishaps and unlucky occurrences take place on Friday the 13th. They postulate that people generally tend to be more careful on this day, knowing that bad things might happen!

Happy Birthday Rachel! Tomorrow April 14, is the birthday of my niece Rachel Jane Shepard of Kirkland, Washington. Rachel is the sister of Patrick Shepard (see first picture of the two of them) who was married about 2 weeks ago in Mexico. Rachel and her brother Christopher were among those who attended the wedding and shared in the week long festivities in Cancun last month. Rachel lives in Kirkland, Washington and works in the senior housing industry. Congratulations and best wishes to Rachel who turns 25 tomorrow!

Congratulations Pat and Nicole! Tomorrow is also the day of the wedding reception for Rachel's brother Patrick Shepard and his bride Nicole Haw Shepard. Since they had a destination wedding in Mexico, they decided to do something special for their larger family, hence the reception in the Seattle area tomorrow.

The second picture shows the Shepard members of the wedding party in Cancun, Mexico, March 28. From left to right are brother Christopher, mother Mary, the bride Nicole Haw, the groom Patrick, sister Rachel and father Darrell Shepard.

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